
Jocelyn and Colin's Blog

December 31, 2008

Girl in Japan After 2 days of amusement parks, we had a much more peaceful day today. Went to the city of Yokohama. It has the largest Chinatown in Japan (very disappointed - not much to see/do/eat). We were able to take a nice stroll along the waters and then found a nice mall with a big food court. Unfortunately, we had to make our way back to our hotel because Colin started experiencing diarrhea and kept pooping out of his diaper. After changing his clothes at the hotel, we were finally able to have a real Japanese meal nearby.Real Japanese Meal Yummy Sashimi

December 30, 2008

Hello Kitty's Town Sanrio Land With Hello Kitty Dinner Show There is a Hello Kitty's Town in Japan having Sanrio Puroland as its main attraction. We definitely got overdose with Hello Kitty today. As if after 6 hours of being in this amusement park of shows, parades, and rides all about Hello Kitty and friends were not enough, we even went to a dinner show to get an extra dosage. At night, the lighting decorations around the town were pretty nice... Nice Lights at Night

December 29, 2008

It took 1.5 hours - navigating Tokyo's subway system - to get to Tokyo Disney Sea. Once inside, it was very crowded as well - long lines even to buy snacks or souvenirs. But we enjoyed the park even though we managed to only see about half of it. This means we'll come back, right? Tokyo Disney Resort Entrance Monorail Nice Artwork Mommy's Favorite Flowers Cute Dessert

December 28, 2008

Goodbye Leaving Hong Kong Hong Kong Airport Good-bye Gung Gung! We are heading off to chilly Tokyo... Arrived in Chilly Tokyo

December 26, 2008

Went to Snoopy's World... Snoopy's World Family Pic Coolness Little Frat Boy Boat Ride Having Fun Good-bye
Then just relaxed at the hotel before dinner at Spaghetti House....
Sharing Drink Spaghetti House

December 25, 2008

Visited Daddy's grandma and lunch with Daddy's uncle....Went to Tsim Sha Tsui and walked along the waterfront...Had more Mister Softee (the best soft-serve in this world!)....Daddy and Colin relaxed by the hotel pool....And finally had Christmas dinner with Gung Gung. Daddy's Grandma Nice Family Pic Awesome Background Best Soft-Serve in the World Pretty Girl Chillin' by the Pool

December 24, 2008

Sweet Girl Family Pic Hot Vitasoy Riding Open-Air Double-Decker Bus Went to Victoria Peak.....Drank hot Vitasoy there...Before boarding the ferry back to the hotel, had Mister Softee ice-cream. Ice-Cream Mustache

December 23, 2008

Breakfast Colin Enjoying Pineapple Bun with Blueberry Filling The next morning...Jocelyn was ready to eat again....Pineapple bun with blueberry filling (ahh...only in Hong Kong....). So happy to see Gung Gung! Gung Gung

December 21, 2008

At the Airport We will be celebrating Christmas in Hong Kong and New Years in Tokyo. This is the first time Colin will be riding an airplane. Flying Japan Airlines - which means great service, endless entertainment options, and abundant amount of food and drink. We were able to get the bulkhead seats going there so the seats were very roomy. There was alot of turbulence throughout the flight. Right when Colin felt asleep in the bassinet (which he barely fit in), we had to carry him due to excessive turbulence. After that, he did not want to be in the bassinet anymore. Back to the food and drink details....right after the plane took off, there was a snack service, then dinner. Then they put out a basket full of snacks for those who decided not to sleep yet. Then right when we wanted Jocelyn to sleep, they came around with ice-cream sandwiches (KING SIZE!!!). And right before we landed, there was breakfast. Of course, Jocelyn made sure she did not miss out on any one of these services. Unfortunately, it caught up to her soon after. We were supposed to have a 2 hour layover in Tokyo but because of a delay in leaving SFO and heavy traffic landing into Narita, we ended up having only around 30 minutes to get to our connecting flight. To make things worse, we had to go through a security checkpoint even though we were just connecting...So not sure if it was the 10+ hour of flying, turbulence, all the food consumed, or the dashing to the next gate..Jocelyn became very nauseous even as we were dashing to our gate. Being a tough girl, she managed to keep up with us despite not feeling so well. We made it on our flight but once she sat down, she vomited everything out. This is the first time I've seen a barf bag being put to use. After that, our flight and taxi ride to our hotel was very uneventful and we made it to our room around 12:30a.m. Hong Kong time.
Colin's Bassinet One of Jocelyn's Many Meals KING SIZE!!!

December 13, 2008

We had our family Christmas celebration early as we will be taking off for Asia next Sunday. The 4 Kids With Grandparents Our Family Colin Opening Present Jocelyn's Gift

December 9, 2008

I can finally pull myself up. Pulled Myself Up

December 2, 2008

Colin had his 18-month doctor visit. 27 lb 5 oz (68th percentile) and 32.75 inches long (62nd percentile).

November 30, 2008

Haircut Terror Feeling Defeated Did Not Turn Out Very Well We all got our haircuts today. Jocelyn's Turn

November 27, 2008

Tried to take some nice pictures with Rachel and family.... Always Hugging Cousins Family Portrait Handsome Boy Low Rider

November 15, 2008

Soccer Spectator Watched jei-jei (big sis) score 2 goals and 1 assist in her last soccer game of the season. Good job!

November 8, 2008

Cousin Natalie's Birthday Party Went to Cousin Natalie's birthday party at Young Chefs' Academy. Got to make pizza!!! First the Dough About to Put it Into the Oven Before Eating

October 29, 2008

First time carving a pumpkin... Pumpkin Carving Takes Lots of Strength All Done

October 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mommy! We went to celebrate Mommy's birthday at Todai for lunch (our annual free meal at Todai). Food is getting yucky though....At night, Mommy and I went to see Disney on Ice with Natalie and Auntie Debra. Disney on Ice

October 18, 2008

Soccer Team I almost scored 3 goals again. Well, 2 goals is not that shabby either....

Afterwards, I had a play date with my kindergarten friend Helen - we went to the pumpkin patch. Pumpkin Patch with Helen

October 12, 2008

3 Families Before returning home, we all went to the Charles Schulz museum. We even learned how to draw cartoon characters. Drawing a Bat Outside Museum Family Pic Colin and Woodstock Inside Gift Shop One of Them

October 11, 2008

Went to Bodega Bay for the weekend. It was very cold at the beach but that didn't stop me from playing in the water. At the Beach Freezing Water

October 4, 2008

Jocelyn and Daddy wrote notes to each other today. Notes

September 27, 2008

Kindagarten Walk-Around What a day! I participated in my school's Walk-Around fundraiser in the morning. Then went to soccer and scored 3 goals! Afterwards, still had energy to return to the Walk-Around and walked some more (20 laps total).

September 20, 2008

Found My Friends We all attended a wedding today. Daddy and Son Family Pic Mommy and Cute Boy At the Banquet

September 14, 2008

Chicken Dance Chicken Shake All the kindergarten classes from my school performed the Chicken Dance at the Cupertino Fall Festival. Afterwards, we walked around and were able to get up close to an ambulance and fire truck. Jocelyn Learning to be a Firewoman Hang On Let's Go!  I am Ready! Just Like Gung Gung Climb Onboard

September 2, 2008

Shots Poor Colin - 15-Month doctor visit. He was traumatized right when he went inside the exam room. That's why there is no picture of him. He's 24lb 6 oz (46th percentile) and about 31.25 inches (52nd percentile).

August 23, 2008

Fall soccer season has started... Powerful Kick With Teammates and Coach

August 21, 2008

Before School Walking... First day of kindergarten....everyone was so excited. Even Colin woke up early enough to walk me to school. Of course, I didn't have any trouble meeting new friends... Class Roster Already Meeting New Friends

August 15, 2008

Went to Gilroy Gardens with Rachel's family & Benjamin's family. Behind the Wheel Riding with Ben Wet Ben & 2 Girls

August 7, 2008

Big Boy, Big Feast Colin Daydreaming? Feeling Snobbish During Tea-Time? Self-Service We went to Children Discovery Museum today. We played really well together. Big Sis, Little Bro Playing Well Together Row the Boat

August 4, 2008

First Professional Haircut Short My turn for haircut...first professional hair-cut. $18!!!! Daddy can get 3 haircuts for that amount of money....

August 3, 2008

My first-ever haircut... First Haircut Ever Dimples Almost Done Finished

July 27, 2008

New Scooter I got a new scooter for my birthday. It's so much fun....Tonight, we also celebrated Amanda's second birthday. Happy Birthday, Amanda! Happy Celebration BLOW

July 22, 2008

My 5 Year-Old Checkup I went in for my 5 year-old checkup. I'm now 45 lbs (79th percentile) and 42.5 inches (50th percentile) tall. My BMI is 17.5 which is in the 91st percentile for my age. My doctor said I should be no more than 85th percentile to be considered healthy. So I need to exercise more - exercising on the Wii Fit counts too. :) Dr. Lewis

July 19, 2008

My Cake My 5th birthday party was at Pump-It-Up. Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate... Happy Family Beaming with Joy Thank You Everyone

July 14, 2008

The highlight for today is going fishing for the first time and catching something. We did go to a trout farm so it was expected that we all should have caught something to bring back for dinner. Jocelyn Fishing First Catch The Catch

July 13, 2008

Cheering with Allison Another Nice Family Pic Fortunately, our 2nd day hike was much more relaxing. In the afternoon, we all relaxed at the beach. Who's Who? Mirror Cutie With Allison Sexy Outfit

July 12, 2008

In Tahoe Our annual Lake Tahoe trip....Amazing that all the kids survived the strenuous 1-mile steep hike....All the Kids Jocelyn is a natural in front of a camera: Jocelyn in Tahoe Jocelyn Being Goofy Newest Pose On One Leg Little Fatty

July 4, 2008

Blue's Clues Riding the Carousel We spent July 4th at Great America. After a long day of playing, we enjoyed a big Chinese feast....Big Chinese Dinner

June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday! Happy birthday, Grandpa!

June 16, 2008

Ice-Cream!!! Mommy and Daddy's college friends - Auntie Elaine and Uncle Thomas - visiting from China. Uncle Thomas treated us ice-cream because I told him I'm a Lakers fan.Auntie Elaine and Uncle Thomas

June 15, 2008

Gilroy Gardens Snacking with Friends and Cousin Waiting for a Ride For Father's Day, we and our cousin and friends went to Gilroy Gardens to have some fun. One funny thing happened there....the 4 of us were waiting for a ride. Right when we were about to go on it, something went wrong and we had to wait longer. By the time we got on it, Colin felt asleep but he wasn't allowed to be held. So he slept through the whole ride while sitting.... Colin Felt Asleep Still Asleep

June 11, 2008

At the Dentist My 6-months dental check-up. First time getting x-rays....

June 2, 2008

1 Year-Old Check-Up 3 Shots My 1 Year-Old checkup: 22 lb. 14 oz and 30.75 inches long. I haven't gained much weight in the past 3 months - only in the 49th percentile in weight but still around 75th in length. Poor me....I got 3 shots this time. My crying also made Jocelyn cried. We looked so sad here....So Sad
Jocelyn started swimming lessons again...
Swim Lessons Again

June 1, 2008

Fall soccer season is still 3 months away....but Jocelyn is refining some of her skills in the meantime....
Soccer Practice Nice Footwork Great Form and Technique

May 28, 2008

My pre-school career is over. We had our end of the year school picnic today as I said my good-byes to all my friends and teachers. I'll be starting kindergarten in August!
My Gang My Teacher

May 25, 2008

Colin turns one year old today. Happy birthday, Colin!
Sister and the Birthday Boy

May 18, 2008

Can't believe Colin is turning one already. How time flies... Happy Birthday, Colin! Want Some Cake?
Thank you for coming to celebrate my birthday, buddies!
3 Amigos

May 17, 2008

Some pre-game photographs: Little Chubby Guy Holding Sister's Hand Close-Up

Last game of the season...check out Jocelyn's speed, acceleration, vision....

After soccer, I also got to go to Teddy Bear Faire...
Teddy Bear Faire

May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day! Little Guy Mommy's 2 Cuties Before Bedtime

April 26, 2008

Another Goal! Yeah! I scored another goal today.

April 19, 2008

I Love Soccer Goal Scorer My first time scoring this season - and I scored twice today!!!

April 11, 2008

With Diego With Dora and Diego Went to Great America. Met up with Uncle Paul and Natalie there. It was nice because it wasn't very crowded so we can go on many rides without waiting a long time. With Natalie Bump...Bump... Logger's Run Ride

April 10, 2008

I have Spring Break this week. So today, we took a short trip to San Francisco to have some fun...

April 5, 2008

Excited About Cake With Almost Everybody Ice-Cream Cake Happy April birthdays: Rachel, Grandma, and Daddy

March 29, 2008

Practicing Throw-In A Soccer Player Doing Drills I started soccer today. I was supposed to be on the same team as my school friends but because of a mix-up in the registration, I'm playing for a different team. Oh well! I'm still having lots of fun...With My Friends

March 7, 2008

Before Shot During Shot I needed to get some shots before entering kindergarten. It was one of my most painful experience ever. I was traumatized and cried really loud. Thank you Mommy for taking me to Top Cafe afterwards to have this Red Bean Icy with Ice-cream to help me feel better. After Shot

March 4, 2008

9 Month Visit I had my 9 months doctor appointment today - 22 lb. 4 oz (74th percentile) and 29 inches long (70th percentile). Very brave while getting my blood drawn... Very Brave Hanging in There

February 27, 2008

Went to Disney on Ice with Rachel and Natalie. Disney on Ice

February 22, 2008

The last couple of weeks have been very busy and full of activites....One afternoon, Mommy found me asleep while standing.... Asleep Standing Too Tired

February 9, 2008

Gung Gung's 9 princesses... 9 Princesses

February 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Gung Gung! We celebrated Gung Gung's 70th birthday tonight. It was so much fun seeing and playing with all my other cousins... Pic with the Birthday Boy

Here are more pictures from this weekend's reunion...

Us little kids also performed a few songs with a dramatic ending :)

February 5, 2008

First Time Playing at the Park Swing with Sis Love to Swing Big Boy Colin's first time playing at the park. It was so much fun!!!

February 3, 2008

This was how exciting the Super Bowl was.... Super Bowl Sunday

January 27, 2008

Pizza Party Pic with Chuck Happy Birthday, Miranda! Went to Chuck E. Cheese for Miranda's birthday party. Miranda is my friend from KidzArt class. (She's the one wearing Strawberry Shortcake shirt.)

January 20, 2008

A new restaurant opened up close to our house - Curry House. All this food comes with the Kid's Meal. What a deal! And I can pretty much finish all this myself! First Time at Curry House

January 1, 2008

Complete Japanese Meal Enjoying Sushi Happy New Year! Enjoying sushi at TGI Sushi is becoming our new year tradition...Afterwards, went to the park to work off all that sushi....With Mommy With Daddy
Finished the day with dinner with grandparents and Rachel's family.
Dinner With Grandparents

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